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Washington, we have a problem…

Given the trends that had been lasting for years, it had to happen sooner or later: the S&P 500 index now includes three companies with weights above (or very close to) 7%, and its top eight constituents together represent 35% of total. This is possibly the biggest threat on active management. The evolution of the…

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When the medication helps perpetuate the disease…

As long time holders in Eli Lilly, we strongly benefited from the hype surrounding “GLP-1 agonist” drugs … but we can’t help thinking that there could be cheaper solutions to fight obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than four in ten adults are considered obese, up from three in ten…

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That EV sales are slowing doesn’t mean EV is over

Some carmakers temporarily suspended production, others dropped their planned investments in new capacity, or announced list price cuts. Inventories are piling up, to such an extent that recent press article read something like “EVs were supposed to be the solution, but they are now turning out to be the problem”. Was all this just another…

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Treat the roots, not just the symptoms

Japan has been lagging significantly on women’s empowerment compared to other countries. While this may need to evolve, we are skeptical about certain drastic positions on this topic, which we feel are not more suitable there than anywhere else. Japan plans to set a new requirement for companies to be listed on the TSE’s Prime…

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Is it just me, or is it weird ?

I spent a few hours this week reading a wonderful, mind-boggling piece of literature called “Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2268 of 6 September 2021 amending the regulatory technical standards laid down in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653”. Given that the asset management industry has less than four months left to adjust to the new KID…

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